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New Adventure with GLP-1
My heart Doctor recently suggested that I might be a candidate for one of new drugs being used for weight loss. I have always thought...

Switching your RV battery to lithium
When you find that it is time to replace the 12 volt coach batteries on your RV, You should consider switching over to lithium batteries....

It is time to step up with more than just your vote!
After a month since the Democrat coup to replace the democrat presumptive nominee, I find myself not actually believing the situation we...

My Jeep goes A.W.O.L.
Around the beginning of March, I came to my shop and saw that my Jeep was missing. I have a 1991 Jeep Wrangler "Islander" that I bought...
Jet Boat Chapter 3
The motor is back together and back on the boat. I took it to the lake and ran it about an hour on the trailer to begin the break-in...
Jet Boat Update 3/1/2024
I finally heard from my friend in Oroville that he was well enough to do the boring on my Evinrude 150 HP Cross Flow Powerhead. The only...
Jet Boat Work
During Covid, we noticed that our Alumaweld 17' jet boat was struggling to get on plane. I had rebuilt the Evinrude 150 outboard jet...

Catching up with the Martins
My Mother comes from a family of 7 kids, all originally with the sirname Martin. Recently my Mother's older brother's wife passed away...

Occam's Razor
A good first step to solving a problem Occam's razor (also Ockham's razor; Latin: lex parsimoniae "law of parsimony") is a...

Motorhome trip to Ferndale, CA
End of Summer get-away As we are apporaching the end of July, our summer vacation is about over. Susan goes back ot school on August 1. ...
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