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Gave up on 22 Hornet

After several tries, I am giving up on the Savage Model 25 22 Hornet rifle. I finally got the magazines to work right, but there seemed to be no cure for the lack of accuracy. The best I could do was about the size of a softball at 100 yds. When we are killing varmints that are only about the size of the end of a 2x8 board, that is just not close enough.

After I decided to get rid of the rifle, I called my friend Wayne and discussed it with him. He said something was familiar about this gun. He called back a while later when he remembered that I had handled the paperwork on this particular gun for a mutual friend and squirrel shooter. I looked back in my records, and sure enough, I had. The previous owner had had the same problem with the accuracy and put the gun up for consignment sale at Huntington's outdoor store in Oroville, CA. That is where I found it and started this fiasco. Long story short, the gun is back on consignment for sale and all I can say is "good ridanse".

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