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2020 Disappointment.

Today is November 4, 2020. Yesterday was Election Day. We have been told that this was the most important election of our lives. I think I believe that. I went into the election thinking that the President had about a 50-50 chance of being re-elected. On the face of the matter, I can not imagine a country that wants what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Burnie Sanders and the rest of the lot are selling. Can you really believe that a candidate for President is running on raising taxes, killing our energy industry, and completely overhauling what we think of as our country? The fact is that it is a small minority of progressives who are selling these policies. So why did Donald Trump just get beat? (it looks like that is going to happen) He got beat because many folks in America hate Donald Trump so much that they will throw the country under the bus to get him out of office. There must be a feeling that a socialist country is preferable to a Donald Trump country. I have to tell you, I do not like Donald Trump. I remember watching The Apprentice and was revolted by his brash manner and boisterousness. He is not the kind of man that I would ever call my friend. I bit a big hole in my lip in 2016 because I knew that if Hillary Clinton got elected, it would be 8 years of corrupt Democrat rule that would probably put this country past its tipping point. What do I mean by tipping point? The left in this country has made a concerted effort for decades to shift our country from a country that rewards hard work to a country that wants the government to be everything to everyone. They start early indoctrinating our children in schools run by liberals and progressives. They are not taught history as it happened, but largely as the left would have wanted it to be. They also have made it easier and easier to survive without working or contribution to society in any way. If you see what is happening and you give it 8 more years for these efforts to gestate, we will come to a time where more people are dependent on the government than those who are contributing to the economy. When that happens, it will be very difficult to return to the America we have known. The solution appeared to be the election of Donald Trump in 2016. He was a brash asshole, but he was not part of the Washington D.C. "swamp". I really felt that he could lead the country out of the mess that Barak Obama left the country. We had become the apologists of the world. President Obama weakened our country almost beyond repair. President Trump hit the ground running, solving problems, reducing red tape and paving the way for Americans to work their way to success. But from the day he was elected President, the left, with the help of the mainstream media began a 4 year long coup to unseat the duel elected President of the United States.

It only took Trump two years to get things back on track, but in the process, his brash manner and constant mocking and name calling, managed to alienate the suburban female voters that were instrumental in getting him elected. They could see that he was effective and was making great strides in getting the economy and the country back on track. But, that demographic began to think that manners and decorum are more important than his actions. President Trump began to loose favor with females and frankly many males. The mid-term election of 2018 proved to be a very pointed message to Donald Trump. The voters gave the House of Representatives to the democrats and Nancy Pelosi. I firmly believe that was the work of conservative men and women who just plain got tired of this Asshole and his lack of decorum and wanted to send him a message. The message was not received by Trump. He didn't change a thing. He continued with his constant name calling. Crooked Hillary, Sleepy Joe Biden and many others. His caustic New York brash Billionaire behavior.

But now the table was set for major resistance. The newly empowered House began 2 more years of resistance. This time with a confident House and the likes of Adam Schiff, and others. The next two years consisted of many significant accomplishments by the President while being beat to shit by the House and the media.

As we entered the 4th year of his Presidency, it appeared he was un-stoppable in 2020. The US had the most robust economy in history. the lowest un-employment among African Americans, Hispanics, Women, Asians. He had penned trade deals with Mexico, Canada, and China. Many of us thought that without some kind of catastrophe, there was no way he would be beaten in 2020. Then in February of 2020, we began to hear about a virus that got out of a research facility in Wuhan China. The country ended up in a lock down the devastated the economy we were experiencing. Within a few months, the economy was in the tank and the left was blaming Trump. The media acted as a megaphone for the false claims that the virus was the fault of Trump. As the virus continued through 2020, It became clear that Trump would face a problem getting re-elected. The Democrat primary elections began and candidates ranged from Socialist Bernid Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to Amy Klobashar, Pete Butageg and a bunch of others.

The primary race was favoring Bernie Sanders early on and the Democrat party panicked. They knew that although they wanted a progressive candidate, there was a big demographic in the Democrat party that would now support a Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. So what did they do? Somebody had the bright idea that the 47 year swamp dweller Joe Biden would put a more centrist face on the party. Nobody cared that he was old, infirm and most days, could not tell you where he was. I once watched a rally and he got his wife and his sister mixed up. That kind of disorientation can really do damage to your family tree. I believe that it was at this time it was decided that Biden would be the Trojan horse that they needed to put a moderate face on the election. The power in the party had been supporting Berne Sanders. I am not sure how that conversation went, but Sanders seemed to give in and made nice with Biden and the party. I think everybody knew that Joe would have trouble functioning as President, and no one thought he would be up to 8 years. So, who do we really want to be President? The answer is Bernie Sanders but that was not going to fly, so the decision was made to attach the most liberal, freshman Senator from California. Kamala Harris rose to prominence in California by having an extra-marital affair with California House Speaker Willy Brown. Having slept her way into his inner circle, she worked her way up the post of California Attorney General. When Senator Barbara Boxer retired, she was recruited to run for the Jr. Senate seat from California and she won. It is not clear to me why she was selected as Biden's running mate. Maybe because her Father was a Caribbean Black and her Mother immigrated from India. I would of thought if you were going to hide the vice president in a Trojan horse, you might as well go with Elizabeth Warren. She is just a liberal, a lot smarter, but white. The ticket was set, a geriatric idiot and a ultra liberal black woman with no national experience.

I have thought a lot about what really happened in this election. I really believe that the race was lost the night of the first debate. There was talk that Joe Biden was ducking everyone to avoid speaking in public. There was a feeling that Trump would certainly out perform Biden in a live debate. The bar was sen very low for Biden and Trump did not prepare. As we watched the debate I began to feel something was wrong. I kept saying " pull up, pull up". He continued to bully and interrupt over 100 times. Joe Biden was also not very unpresidential but not to the extent of Trump. My wife began to say "this is terrible". I thought maybe it would be okay. It was not! That debate changed everything. We learned very little about anybody policies. but we really got to see the Asshole at work in front of over 50Million people. The polls shifter literally overnight. The rest of the cycle, the President faced an increasing headwind.

I am still digesting the results of the race. It is very clear that changes made to the election laws in swing states changed the vote substantially. Today, both sides are shipping car loads of lawyers to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and Michigan. The Trump campaign is confident that they will prevail. I have my doubts.

I look at things today and I realize the the damage Trump is seeing is self-inflicted. He knows how to be Presidential, he refuses to do so. He gave the enemy all of the ammunition they needed to to blow him out of the sky.

What is next? The election seems to be a mixed message. The electorate don't seem to want any more of Donald Trump, but they do not want the progressive agenda of the Democrat party either. If the election stands as it is today, Trump will be leaving the White House, but the Republican Senate will stand in the way of Schumer and Pelosi instituting the progressive agenda that Sanders, Warren, OAC, and the Squad all want. The next two years will be gridlocked. Pelosi will float her liberal agenda and McConnell and the Senate will block it. 2022 will also be interesting. Several Republican Senators will be seeking election and the Democrats will pull out all of the stops to flip the Senate. There also is the possibility that the electorate will tire of the gridlock that is in store for the next two years and flip the House as they did in 2010.

I am beginning to think that maybe gridlock in our Federal Government may be a good thing for the time being.


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