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Chinese Corona Virus 2020

Over the weekend, California Governor Gavin Newsome announced new direction regarding the Chinese Corona Virus that has been unleashed on the world by Red China. Those of us over the age of 65 are advised to stay home and avoid most contact with others. Bars, winerys and brew pubs are advised to close and restaurants are advised to reduce capacity to one half of the normal capacity. We are being advised to congregate in groups no larger than 10 persons and "social distance" by at least 6 feet. Schools have nearly all closed. March Madness, NBA, Hockey, Soccer, MLB and nearly every other sport has been cancelled. Susan and I watched an UFC Fight Night on Friday and there was no audience! Today, President Trump came out again and said this Pandemic could last through the end of August. The Dow dropped nearly 3000 points today, almost 13%. The Fed cut interest rates over the weekend to virtually 0%, and the market reacted exactly opposite to what was expected.

Susan got the news that her school is closing immediately and stay closed until the end of what would have been spring break, around the middle of April. She is still unclear if she will be asked to continue working with her 3 students by remote conferencing.

Charlie's estimator has 2 kids at home. Now there is no school, no daycare, and no school meals. She will have a difficult time with all of this.

Charlie may also be affected as everything grinds to a halt. Vehicle accidents may drop dramatically due to everyone staying home and self quarantining. The process of repairing damaged vehicles may be put on hold until this is over. Many businesses will not be able to weather a storm lasting all summer.

Car dealerships have been going great guns until now. I wonder how many people will go out and buy new cars with this level of economic uncertainty. I know I will not. A substantial part of Charlie's work has been the dents and dings that happen on the dealer's lots. I certainly think that will slow way down.

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