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A New Order in America

After a devastating loss of the Presidency in 2020, and after a further loss yesterday of the US Senate, I find myself wondering how to find a path forward. I remember in 2008 when Obama took over the country, I wondered then, how would I move forward. We got through 8 years of that regime without irreparable harm to our country. The Affordable Care Act not withstanding. I knew that if conservatives lost the election of 2016, that the Democrat party would have 8 years with witch to use immigration, school indoctrination, and government handouts to the poor and stupid to buy enough votes to forever change our country. I remember thinking the if that happened, we would surely reach a tipping point, from which we would never recover. A great surprise to me, that did not happen and Donald Trump was elected to the Presidency in 2016.

I expected an uproar when an outsider got elected to the Presidency. What I did not expect was 4 long years of resistance from the left and from the presidents own party. He was an outsider and the establishment in Washington was hell-bent on making his term a failure and preventing him from getting another term in 2020.

Pre-Pandenic, this country had everything going in the right direction. Employment, the economy, our status in the world were all going in the right direction. FOR EVERYONE! But there were those on the left and in the media who hoped and prayed for a recession. They felt the country could better weather a recession than withstand Donald Trump. When Covid-19 hit our country in February of 2020. they got what the wished for. A pandemic, leading to a recession, leading to lock-downs. They could blame Trump for all of it. It did not matter that he did not cause it. What mattered is that the left and the media could say he caused it and at least half of the population would be stupid enough to believe it.

As I have said in previous posts, I believe Trumps loss of the presidency was self inflicted. He had to know in 2018 when many of his supporters abandoned him in the mid-terms, that he was doing something wrong. Something he was doing was not "the best ever, by far". His problem was not his deeds, it was his mouth. He could not shut it. His continuous string of name calling and calling himself and his accomplishments " the best ever by far" eroded his support in 2018 and continued all the way up to the 2020 election this last November. The General Election did not go his way and for the last 2 months he has continued to contest the election.

So what happened yesterday? The left and the media pulled every dirty trick they could to change election laws to favor Biden in the General Election. A coalition of the left, the media and some Republicans succeeded in getting Trump Fired! But, they did not secure the US Senate. There had to be a run-off election in both Georgia Senate Races. I was sure that firing Trump was really what they wanted and the historically red state of Georgia voters would not tie the entire country up in a big red bow and give it to the socialists preparing to take over the government. But the did. At this point in the process, I can not tell you exactly why they did what they did, but I do have a theory. What the left and the media wanted was to fire Trump. They thought they did that on November 3rd. For 2 months after the election, Trump has deified the election and kept up a flurry of rhetoric claiming voter fraud in several states. I personally feel the way 35% of the country does, in that there were unconstitutional changes made to the election system in the name of Covid-19, that skewed the election to Biden. That was not an accident. After 4 years of trying everything to overthrow Trumps election without success, the left and the media focused on changing the rules in the swing states to accomplish their objective, and the pandemic gave them unexpected cover to do that. However, I have never felt there was enough actual fraud to change the results. The only avenue was to somehow get the results reviewed on the basis of the unconstitutionality of the changes to state election laws. Trump was holding some cards, but not a winning hand in my humble opinion. He overplayed that hand the night before the Georgia election. His election loss was, for all intent and purposes, in the books. The odds of overturning the General election were very slim. He had one last chance to make his message about something other than himself and securing the wins in Georgia. He was not able to do that. About half of the speech he gave in Georgia was about his grievances in the General Election and not about saving the Senate seats and preserving our Republic. Georgia was split almost in half politically, but not exactly in half. There was still that very small element of voters who wanted Trump out, no matter what the cost. The country is split almost exactly the same. That very slim majority of voters voted Trump out, but he would not go. This Georgia Senate run-off gave them one more chance to finish nailing the lid down on Donald Trump. I do not believe the voters of Georgia would have done that if Trump had not contested the election results with such a loud voice and wrongly presented himself as the winner of the General election. I think that the last speech in Georgia gave that slim voter block of "no more Trump" voters the reason they need to finish up the job and make sure Trump was gone, and with a complete government take over by the left and the media was necessary to assure that there would never be another Trump or Trump-like outsider ever elected again in America.

So now we embark on another 2-8 years of Democrat rule in America. We can only pray that they do not destroy our country while they have it. We got out-played pure and simple. We did not want to keep our America as much as they wanted to change our America. We need to never again underestimate our opponents. The modern Democrat party will do anything to gain and hold power. They will change any rule or law that stands in their way to gaining absolute power in this country and keep it forever. We now understand their game. We have to start playing with same conviction as our opponents. It was ours to loose, and we lost it. Let's get it back.


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