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It is time to step up with more than just your vote!

After a month since the Democrat coup to replace the democrat presumptive nominee, I find myself not actually believing the situation we have been put into. If feels like an out of body experience. How could we go from Joe Biden who was held up by the left and the media as the sharpest guy in the room, to a situation where the puppeteers put a cane around his neck and drag him off the stage, to coronating the only democrat stupider than Joe Biden? Not because she would make a good leader, but because she is not Joe Biden, nor Donald Trump. Essentially, an empty head, an empty suit, no Y chromosome and the fact that she is somewhat Black makes her the best candidate to be President of the United States.

I want to address another issue. How we get invested in the national political process. I follow the process like a football game. I watch my team advance with glee and then watch the despised adversaries making up ground with hatred in my heart. In reality though, football is just a game. Nothing changes except the betting odds for the next game. The political game is different. There is a serious consequence of getting the wrong leader in the White House. As this political season has developed, I seem to waste a lot of energy rooting for my team and hating the opposing team. The reality is that I really only have three ways of effecting the outcome of the election. I have ONE vote. Just one out of millions of voters. That is very important. I will be doing things differently this cycle though. I have always voted by absentee ballot because throughout my career, I was never sure where I might be on election day. I always got the ballot by mail and let it sit on the desk until election day and usually took it to the ballot box on election day. I am not going to do that this year. I will send that ballot back as soon as it arrives. I think one of the lessons learned in the last couple of cycles was that waiting until election day and voting in person may put us at a disadvantage. I will make that adjustment this year. So making sure I vote and voting early are about the only ways that I can maximize my input into the election as it relates to voting.

The other way we can affect the outcome is to donate money. I often think about donating, but I think how could my $100.00 make a difference in the grand scheme of things. It really can't by itself, but what if everybody thought that way? There would be no money to run campaigns. So maybe we can send a check to our guy to help run ads to counter the lies and gaslighting we are seeing from the other side. They know they only have to say it, and it becomes "truth" for a lot of uninformed voters.

The third way to help is by volunteering. I know that campaigns always want volunteers to knock on doors, stuff envelopes, man phone banks and numerous other activities that can make a real difference in a campaign.

This cycle is probably the most important in our lifetime. If we loose this one, we will likely have progressive Democrats in power for at least the next eight years. Let's make an effort this time over and above just voting. Support our guy anyway that we can. It is important!


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