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January 6: Three Kings Day

Today is January 6. One year after the disgraceful attack on our nations capital. Also after the disgraceful attacks on cities around the country after the killing of George Floyd. After the disgraceful attacks on federal buildings in Seattle and Portland by Liberal groups like BLM and others. Also after the weeks of rioters pulling down statues and destroying the history of our country. So why is the media still talking everyday about the attack on the capital? Just one reason. The left is scared to death that Donald Trump is not yet dead and buried politically. They have spent every news cycle of the failed Biden presidency pondering the problem of Donald Trump beating them again in 2024. They know the current administration is failing in every respect. How are they going to keep power? They know that they need to take literally every news cycle and find a way to denigrate Donald Trump. The hope is that if they say it enough times, people will believe it. They know that they have to continue to drive a wedge between conservatives, independents and Donald Trump. The only way they can win in 2024 is if Donald Trump is disgraced in the eyes of his supporters. I don't think that is going to happen. I don't think it matters whether it is Donald Trump or someone else, Americans are not going to continue along this path of political division. We are tired of the whole thing. The Republicans will win back the house and senate in 2022 and they will win the Presidency in 2024. Even the Democrats know the mess Joe Biden is making of our country. It is just a matter of time until they are again in the minority and impeaching every Republican in sight.

Today is also Three Kings Day. I hear that it is a day celebrated by Christians in Mexico and Latin America celebrating the Baptism of Jesus Christ. Today, I watched the news cover nothing but the January 6 riots in DC and I decided I was going to celebrate Three Kings instead. I went to a Mexican bakery and bough a Three Kings Bread. I cut it in half and took half to my office for the guys to enjoy. So, from now on, January 6 is Three Kings Day in my world.


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